Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stupidity: Now in an econo-sized 48-pack!

Is it a full frigging moon tonight??? Did an asylum just burn down??? Where did this huge stock of "Fucking Stupid" come from, and who the bloody hell ordered a dump-truck full to be delivered right to my desk?

If I catch 'em... rectal boot-prints galore shall ensue...

Between Vendors, Partners, and Clients, there has been such a cluster-fuck of mental ineptitude, today, I can't even get the whole picture in frame... It would have to be a panorama of perplexing pea-brainitude... and I don't have that kinda camera!!!

Suffice to say... I'll just sum it up with this...

I need less of this....

And more of this....


- Kenny G.

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