Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is it scary that, while screaming at the walls, they scream back?

I guess, since I only have one reader that I know of (Mad Props to you, Steve O.!!), it really doesn't matter what I say here, but somehow, I still feel compelled to try my best to be witty, insightful, and funny.


I guess, all things considered, I do it for my own sanity. No one cares if I spell every other word wrong except me, but I spell check the hell out of most everything I type. It doesn't matter if a sentence rambles on for 18 lines, with no point in sight, but I'll stress out for an hour and a half over what took me 10 minutes to type, worrying about how my words sound.

I know.... poster child for OCD....

So, just to prove to myself that I really needn't worry too much what I type, I'm starting a contest. I'll mail a $5 to the first person to email me an answer to the following question:

"If someone gave you a pet ferret for your birthday, what would you name it, and why?"

(Steve O., his wife, brother, parents (or step-parents), and mother-in-law are not eligible for this contest. Come on, be nice :-) ... )

My email address?? Of course!

Let's see how long this takes to come to a close... ;-)

My guess is a least 2 years... maybe longer......

- Kenny G.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Censoring.... both in blogging... and in keeping your ass employed/keeping your ass from hurting your friends..... and staying off "Dubbya's" radar.

OK.... Top 5 reasons censoring sucks...
1. If you don't do it willingly... you can get fired.....
2. If you don't do it willingly... you can get "investigated" by the feds....
3. If you don't do it willingly... you can unwillingly hurt your friends... bad.....
4. If you don't do it willingly... you can unwillingly make yourself look like more of an uncaring ass than you really are........
5. It makes you say "FUCK" less than you really want to say it......

Ok... in some of what i've posted recently (Pre-edit)... i've left myself hanging out to dry... bitching about things as the links to those things sit on this blog.... NO MORE.....

I'll bitch/joke/post.... but without any "reasonable" evidence to condemn the innocent(guilty) in sight....

Wish I'd have done that in real life,...... a while ago.....

..... story for another time y'all......... but, "FUCK THE CENSORS..... YO!!!!!!!

(By "CENSORS.... I mean "those assigned to monitor civilian comments.... not my friends.... LOVE YOU St#&e (Random letter here, maybe an O). !!!!!!!!!! I'm Sorry DAWG!!!!! )
- Kenny G.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Running around like a chicken trying not to let the turkey F%&k him in the @$$...

Just sitting at the office, fielding 83 phone calls an hour.

See, we're in for a real treat for the next "several" weeks: One of our other "team members with a seperate office", he and his wife decided to go out of the country for six weeks....


And we get the "honor" of trying to, quite blindly I might add, handle all of their customers. As well as our own. And whatever else pops up... GAHHHARGH!!!!

Would've been nice to have some data about these customers before they left... but that would have made too much of this strange thing we call "Sense"....

Gotta go.... I've got a lull in the chaos, and I've been trying to take a leak since Thursday...

- Kenny G.