- I never shared with my "audience" (snicker snicker, laugh laugh... weep) one of my favorite pieces of Webby-Goodness.... Here you go!
- It's official! (Actually, it was official Sept. 4th, but I never mentioned it.... I'm lazy) Mayor Kwam-Daddy is out, and doing "time"... mind you, it's only like a month or two... but at least his crooked ass is gone for a few years.... till the Fucktards in Detroit vote him back in... Dammit! Now my "Happy Dance" feels all unwarranted and stuff...
- In an older post, I said:"WTF is up with Big Brother 10??? How can there not be one truly likable person in the whole group??? I mean, other than Jerry, but he's really old, and you know there's no chance he's gonna win.".....
- ......And I was wrong..... F*ck Jerry's old antagonistic ass, Go Dan!!! Win one for the hometown!!!
- A long time ago, I started writing a book.... and then I stopped.... I suck....and I'm lazy.... 'nuff said
- How morbid is it that I'm kinda disappointed that the Large Hadron Collider didn't cause an "Earth-shattering", or at least a "Earth-shaking" kaboom? In addition, how sad is it that http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/ makes me smile?
I feel a little better now..... almost good enough to not long for Death's sweet embrace with desperation and anxiously open arms.... just regular open arms.... Damn I need to get laid... and a beer.... and a truck with reverse.... :-)
- Kenny G.
I'm glad you feel better now (in my best Monty Python voice). This is my first time to post on a blog outside of FOD.....I'm new at this. Cue the Napoleon Dynamite Technology song. I'm impressed! You sure don't seem like a loser to me. Plus you've supplied me with lots of reading material & a soundtrack....what more could a girl ask for?
AKA goatiegirl
i havent talked to you in FOREVER.
wtf is up
My dear, if you ever need some editorial help, don't hesitate to ask.
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