Ok... I know... Been a while.... I've had shit going on.... But, NHL fans.... Read this: LINK
... Let it sink in for a sec..... Ready... OK.
WTF? Yes. We all know I am a Red Wings fan... But even my Red and White colored glasses can see this is a stupid and shitty move.
For the record, Nabokov saved my ass a lot..... In fantasy Hockey... See, I got roped in to playing for the 2007-2008 fantasy season... And I ran the 1st half... Thank in large part to Evgeni Nabokov... So I KNOW he is a damn good goal tender....
I'm not so jaded a fan that I need to hate because he's been wearing Teal for 10 years... I'd stain several pairs of pants if Detroit picked him up in this off season... Might off set the pain Yzerman caused by going to FL.....
Long story short.... I'm praying to Odin Nabokov is wearing a winged wheel next year... But I have always been a dreamer....
- Kenny G.
ATA Worlds!
6 years ago