So... I'm sitting here, trying to rebuild my play list from
Hypster... Dreading the impending "Team Meeting" to come at 10:30...
ish... And I'm wondering...
"How high was the creator of
Spongebob when he did so?"
I mean, sure... It's a big hit with children... and everybody knows by now who "lives in a pineapple, under the sea..."... But, the whole freakish concept, is well... freakish!!
It's a talking sponge for Odin's sake!!! You had to be tripping some major league balls to come up with that... Not that it's so horribly different from a talking rabbit being chased by a hunter with a speech impediment... but it's freaky!!
I should make a cartoon about a banana that knows
Fu, and lives in Minneapolis. His best friend can be a can of condensed chicken noodle soup that writes crossword puzzles... I'd be a millionaire!
OK... I guess, by now, you all wanna know why I'm on such a rant about this... And I'll tell you...
It's because I'm happy right now!!!
I don't want to rant about my own life, because I feel good right now. Sure, there's
plenty that's still all screwed up, but it's starting to feel like I'll make it through...
My huge mistake, the one that I thought cost me a dear and close friend... Maybe it wasn't so bad, as he and I have talked, and things seem to be, getting back to OK....
And then, of course... There's Her... She knows who she is... And how bright a ray of light she's become in my life... Perhaps, someday, when I'm not here at work, and I can truly describe her in all the beautiful detail that she deserves, I'll "introduce" you to her... but for now, my lips are sealed :-)
So, that's it... No bitching about money, work, or people... No crying for what I don't have... Just me, here alive, and for once... well.
And this...

- Kenny G.