Monday, August 11, 2008

And now, I feel dirty, broken, and ashamed... After I laughed my ass off....

Alright, fine. You win, Internet. I surrender....

I broke down and finally watched the "Paris Hilton Presidential Ad" on Funny Or Die....

(For my fellow hold-outs, it's here: . There's no use fighting it, you'll end up seeing it some day. Save your strength, and give in. )

Now, I could spend this post questioning the taste of so many who have commented on "how hot Paris is"... after I spend the required hours lurching up my lunch. Or, I could rant on, as so many have before me, about how "she's only famous for being famous", but the horse has been beaten into paste on that one. There's no point....

No, I'll just comment on this one observation: How the hell did she read that teleprompter so damn well????

Look, I saw "House of Wax" (because I love cheesy horror, OK!!! Deal with it!), and, I know first hand that this woman cannot act. Period. She couldn't even play dead convincingly... Nuff said...

But, in this small piece of political satire, she read the dialog so well, I almost forgot how vacant her head is. I was stunned at how informed and eloquent she sounded, and that's a shame I can't shower off...

Not to mention the fact that the "proposed plan" is brilliant in it's own right.... even coming out of Paris Hilton's mouth!!!!

Point is, I truly enjoyed this piece... even though I wish I hadn't.

........ See you in therapy bitches!!!

- Kenny G.

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