Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Holy Carp Y'all!!!
But I had to share this... I WON A BET!!!!
Long story short... Last season, it was his San Jose Sharks VS. My Detroit Red Wings; who will go further in the season...
I won.
Payout: Embarassing Karaoke, on Video.
My Prize:
Nuf said... Click FUNNY!!! Give the man props.
- Kenny G.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Shards Of Never
A knight's heart, trapped in a recreant's shell.
Boundless love, saddled with searing despise.
Stalwart steadfastness, lost in a torrent of fear and uncertainty.
That is I, a whirling cyclone of mismatched failings,
A great man on paper, a raging failure in the flesh.
I am so worthy, and yet, so insignificant.
The great contradiction, forever consistent in his inconsistency.
I am the friend who will sit beside you, without response, as vicious and meaningless barbs alike, tear into my soul, breaking me down, yet will bow in regret and atonement when but one jesting word from my mouth has offended, all the while, ready at a moments notice to stand at your shoulder against those who'd threaten you.
I carry love for those I know, those I hold dear, love so strong, my simple ways can never express properly. There is nothing, if it is within my means, that I would not give for Mine, but I pull away in shame when a hand reaches to lift me from my trench, because I refuse to believe I could ever be worthy of such care.
A mind, sharp, witty, focused, buried within a husk of desolation and self-pity. My mind, heart, soul, are filled with dreams, goals, hopes. And yet, in a instant, my mind, my heart, shatter those moments of glory into shards of never will be, and drag everything into the shadows, to see only loathing and tears.
I believe always in those I call Mine, the truest and deepest parts of them that not even they themselves can see, their true strength, their true worth, and will fight with my last breath to help them see, see that which I refuse to know of myself.
I am the truest of contradictions, the most pious of hypocrites.
I am the most outspoken showman, and yet, you will rarely hear me even speak.
I will hold you upon a pillar, as I cast myself into the mud.
I angrily chastise you for looking down on yourself, as I carve those same words into my own spirit.
The absurd, bound to the tragic, joined with the wonderful.
The greatest of mankind, and vilest example of a person.
That, is I."
... And I'm Kenny. :-)
- Kenny G.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Final Beard-Down...
..... The last Hockey game of the season... for Realz!! Everything... comes down to tonight.......
......... I'll miss it... but damnit... I want a freaking Parade next week...
.............................. So here we are... One last push for Beard-A-Thon Pledges:
( )
.......................................... One Last Bearded-Freak Picture:

.............................................. And one last "LET'S GO RED WINGS!!!!!!!!
... That is all. :-)
- Kenny G.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My Faith: Never Broken (Though terribly sprained, and allergic to Penguins)
Needless to say, the last time I was nervous... I took a new picture... blogged it... and had faith...
... And we're still here baby!!!
This may be the last post before no more beardage... so let's try for one more push... Go Wings!!!

- Kenny G.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
This made me laugh...
But, it was a humorous escape from the tedium and melodrama at work... and we all know how I love my escapes from reality:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
(This Blog best read to Daughtry's "It's Not Over")
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Beard-A-Thon Update
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
This may be one of the silliest things I've ever done...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Celebrating with a silent prayer and quiet reflection...
Yeah, Right!!!
I know I've said this many times before... but St. Patrick's Day is, indeed, my Holiest of Holies...
It is my day to justify the same crap I do 364 other days a year, but this time, wearing green. :-)
Aside from that, Buck's has the best damned corned beef I've ever eaten, so at least there will be something to saok up all the green food coloring I'll ingest tonight.
I don't know what it is, but I just truly feel at peace on this grand occassion.... I can finally, for once, get into the festive and partying mood that all those around me enjoy... and I like it...
So, to all of you, my dear and wonderous friends and family, a simple toast:
"To Honor-
Honor, Inner,
If you can't Come Inner,
Come Honor!"
(Say it out loud if you don't get it....)
Crude, yes... but funny too. :-)
Happy High Holy Holiday All!
- Kenny G.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Monday Morning Depress-Fest, Courtesy of a Friend..
...... Mushy bastard. Now I need a beer... :-)
Why Guys Like Girls:
1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3. How cute they look when they sleep
4. The ease in which they fit into our arms
5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute they are when they eat
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end makes it all worth while
8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 out side
9. The way they look good no matter what they wear
10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she’s the most beautiful thing on this earth
11. How cute they are when they argue
12. The way her hand always finds yours
13. The way they smile
14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15. The way she says “lets not fight anymore” even though you know that an hour later you will be arguing about something
16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17. The way they kiss you when you say “I love you’
18. Actually … just the way they kiss you…
19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt . (even though we don’t admit it)!
23. The way they say “I miss you”
24. The way you miss them
25. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn’t hurt her anymore…..
Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them … it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitably consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart.
Originally posted here
-Kenny G.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Hi. I'm Ken, and I'm a Crack(berry) Addict.
My family isn't rich either... but my mother sure seems to think so...
See, she has a problem. She gets herself a new cell phone at least every year... if not sooner..... No... not as part of some "New all the damned time" contract plan... she ebays herself every new phone she has a hankering for....
About two years ago... she got herself a Palm Trio... It worked great, for a second... then it made her mad... so she got a newer and better trio... and pawned the old one off on me...
The problem was... When she got the first Trio... I got the old Razr she had... and I loved that phone.... Until the cat knocked a cup of water on it, and it gave up the will to display....
See, I'm pretty simple (I'll just leave the joke at that... you all run with it...:-) ...) ... all I want my phone to do is make/recieve calls, text message, have a usable alarm clock... and maybe take pictures, although that's not a need... it's a toy feature... That's why I loved the Razr... it was so easy, even a Kenny could work it...
The Trio just made me feel stupid(er)... like I need to be a sniper with a stylus, and have a frickin masters from MIT, just to set my morning wake up call.... so I dumped the Trio after about a month... and went back to a good old fashioned green-screen display I had in a drawer at home...
Then... last Summer... Mom got a Blackberry Curve, and tried to pawn the new Trio off on me... And I said no... I'd had a bad taste in my mouth from the last one, and the new Razr I got for X-mas was just so much better (even though it liked to randomly turn off, thanks to, guess what... charging in water... Noticing a pattern here??)
Now we get to last month... when Mom felt the need to get a new G1 (or whatever the hell it's called....).... and she offered me the Crack... I mean.., "Blackberry".....
Me + Smart Phones = Funny shit... No... seriously... it took me 5 minutes to figure out it wasn't a touch screen.... (Ok... maybe just one minute... but still.....)
But now... I have the thing pretty down pat... and I'm scared.....
Seriously... do we really need to be giving Kenny more ways to access Porn... I mean, log on to FOD... no... I mean look up Porn....
Seriously.... I was already here....

Did we need to upgrade to this???
So... yeah.... I now have this thing set up for all 6... yes... 6... email addresses I have.... Not my work one though... I get over 100+ emails on that one a day... way too much beeping.....
But... Yeah.... I'm a Crackberry Head now.... God help us all...
- Kenny G.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Return Of The Not Suckage!!!
Nope... I'm talking two of my favoite-est things in forevers and stuff:
1) NASCAR!!!
Daytona 500 bitches!!! Yes, I know... it sucked that it got rained out, but still, it was a good race (except that JR. had to wreck the damned field and take out two of my Fantasy Nascar Drivers out of the race... Why you gotta let me down like that Dawg??)
It's been a while, but finally... my excessive drinking on the Sabbath can be justified.
2) Half Past Beer 30!!!!
The drunken boobs (Steve O. and Myself) are firing up the old Ibook, and beginning the Podcast anew, with our new buddy Karaoke Steve (Nickname not yet certain) joining our drunken banter-fest!
Check out old episodes on Itunes... just search for "Half Past Beer 30"...
You know... that Podcast is te reason I started this blog all those years ago... No... seriously... check my old posts from 2005... I ain't kidding...
.... Now, I have my 24.... my Red Wings... my NASCAR... and soon... our Podcast....
.......... Maybe life doesn't suck absolute ass. :-)
( "Absolute Ass" is in no way affiliated with "Absolut Vodka"... Dammit!! )
- Kenny G.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Day when Love, like Smog, fills the air...
A time for Love.... and Romance...
A time to tell that "Special Someone"... just how you truly feel...

I guess... It's best summed up in this little poem I got in an email many, many years ago...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
100th Post: "The Tarnished Knight: Requiem"
To celebrate, I'll add one more chapter to what I have rapidly come to see as my best writing ever...
The sickening crack of maimed bone pierced His ears. His arm lay at His side, broken, dangling like a piece of shredded flesh from the wolf's latest meal.
His leg seared with pain from the tears in His muscles. Slowly, Weakly, He brought himself to stand. To some, this day would be seen as a victory... To others, the cost would be too high to bear.
He had not slain the demons within Himself... He had simply chased them away for a time. For all His struggles against that which left Him weak and tragic, He had only won a few moments of peace.
They would return.... They would always return...
But for a moment... He had peace...
He could once again look to the Heavens, and feel the slightest glimmer of hope. He may never again be the Knight He had once strived to be... But He was alive...
When the night arrived, He would once again be tormented by His failings, His faults. He would once again know all too well how alone He felt...
But for a moment... He had peace...
Could the day come when the demons would never again test His will? Would He ever find what He truly longed for... truly needed? These were the questions He would always ask...
For now... He didn't care... His Spirit, His Body, were just too drained... And He needed to rest, before He could muster any more strength...
He slowly trudged back to There... To the place where He found both rest, and solitude... A place both Wicked and Lovely... The only place He could call Home...
But for a moment... He had peace...
..... If for only a moment...
- A Piece by Kenny G.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
My Trilogy... Plus 2...
I'm proud now.... So I want all three (Edit: Now four) (2nd Edit: Now Five) (3rd Edit: Now Six.... The Story continues...) links in one handy place....
The Tarnished Knight
The Tarnished Knight - Revelations
The Tarnished Knight - Respite
The Tarnished Knight - Requiem
The Tarnished Knight - Reformations
The Tarnished Knight - Redemption
Let me know what you think.
- Kenny G.
The Tarnished Night: Respite
The Knight sluggishly raised His head, and peered into the rising Sun with disdain, and slowly... painfully, lifted Himself from the ground. Sleep had done little to renew Him, and His dreams still lingered in His mind, sinking their talons into His spirit...
In those demon dreams, He saw what His waking mind had refused to acknowledge: His greatest enemy was not on some battlefield that lay in front of Him... But inside His own chest. For all the demons He had slain, every foe vanquished... He had never conquered His wretched heart...
For years, The Knight had drawn steel at every challenge He encountered... He had been the victor many times, been bested many others, yet... He never let his Honor, and Valiance waiver... He tried to take the Glory of His victories to heart, to fill him with a purpose, with meaning... Yet, no matter how great the battle had been... It had never been enough.
Each day, The Knight felt a piece of His soul die, as He tortured His soul with hatred an loathing... blaming some ill-gotten fate for his miserable solitude, his longing for that which he had never known...
... Love...
He could still hear Her faint voice, carried on the wind... Declaring His hidden inner strength... His true worth...
His time with The Angel had given Him many reasons to believe Himself to be worthy... But, without Her there... Whispering that might into existance... He was broken...
He finally saw, for the first time in His life... The truth...
There was no fault from The Heavens... He had not been cursed to be this wretched shell....
It was not The Angel who was to blame for his weakness... She did not abandon Him...
..... It was The Knight who bore the blame for his condition...
........... It was He... Who had truly tarnished His soul....
Through the valley below Him... He heard a sound He had heard many times before... The sound of Battle...
Gripping His sword tightly... The Knight turned to leave... Heading towards what conflict lay below... Then stopped...
He knew... There was only one right thing to do...
..... He sank His sword into the earth below Him...
......... Turned His back to the sound...
............. And walked away...
If He could not slay the dark demon within His own heart... How could He ever dare draw steel against another foe...
How could He ever claim one ounce of Honor, if all that resided within Him was Shadow and Despair...
Though He was unsure if He could ever muster the will to free Himself from this sick state.... He knew He must try...
.... If He would ever again... Earn the right... to call Himself...
.......... A Knight
- A Piece by Kenny G.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Tarnished Knight - Revelations
Each struggle He had come to know since, had taken more than flesh and steel to overcome. His muscles ached now in ways they never had before. Each blow to His armor tore away more and more, leaving His beleaguered self more exposed each day.
The Knight had always questioned the worth of battle, and often felt that His role in the world was one without value, without honor. But, standing now, a gaping maw in His chest where His heart once belonged, His doubts and fears raged against Him, stronger and more insurmountable than He ever believed they could become.
He once again had found a suitable steed to carry Him onward, but the weight of His battered patchwork armor, shoddy leather sitting where sterling metal once existed, burdened Him terribly.
Yet, He claimed himself to be a Knight, and that meager oath held enough power to pull Him forward each day, to stand as a warrior against the evils of this land....
As His mount came to rest one day, for a few hours rest before the next test of his might arose, The Knight's eyes glanced across the field around Him, and the image before Him brought Him to His knees...
Around His feet, lay the aftermath of a fierce and epic conflict. The broken bodies of many demons, many enemies, were strewn across the scene, the work of a truly mighty Champion. The Knight's thoughts raced back to the days, when His own might, His own will, would have readily faced a challenge of this scope, and would have been all He needed to win the day...
But... That was His past. He was broken now, emptied and crippled by His sorrows, His weakness, and His longing. His days as a warrior of this calibre were long buried. He was now, but a lone vagabond, drawing His steel against far less powerful foes, far lest ghastly monsters.
It was then, that He saw it... Felt it carried on the breeze... That feeling, That aura.... That Grace...
She had been here... The Angel He once had dared to call His own... He would never forget that presence... The presence that had once stood by His side, lending Him strength without limits... She was ingrained into His soul...
And with this revelation, The Knight wept...
... For He knew, She had found another, one truly worthy of Her... A Champion strong enough to face each day with courage and honor... Not fear and despair, as were The Knight's only ways...
...... And through those tears, The Knight prayed... Praying to the Heavens he had long ago turned away from... He prayed, for Her... And for this new Champion...
.........He prayed that She would fill The Champion with the same faith, and strength, She had given to The Knight... And that The Champion would do what The Knight never could... Heal Her scars...
........... And with a simple Amen... The Knight lifted his flask to his lips... Let the harsh taste of warm ale wash over his tongue... Laid his head to the ground... And drifted away...
.............. For though, He now wished only to slip away, fading to the shadows forever...
................... He had sworn an oath the always be.... Her Knight.
- A Piece by Kenny G.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Out, Out Damned Heart... Out I Say...
I let the fact that I actually "Feel" things be as immobilizing as being a quadruple amputee...
For some odd reason, the more I feel things are spiraling out of control, the less I do to try and take the reigns of my own destiny. I let the fear, sadness, and hopelessness that arises control, and ultimately, completely neutralize any inner strength, talent, intelligence, and passion that resides in me.
I had a very simple plan to take myself over to see Steve this weekend, knock out a bit of truck maintenance, and hopefully shoot a short little video for Funny Or Die. I should have gone out and did a little grocery shopping, get gas, and other such necessary errands... I had some paperwork to do for work...
... And not one God-Forsaken thing got done....
In the end... I guess the only thing I'm really motivated to do... is feel miserable....
Yes Ladies, this "Winner" is still single... ;-)
Needless to say... There's a few songs I really should not listen to... ever again... Because I've invested so much emotion behind them... they will never be songs that fill me with joy again...
- "Broken" by Seether W/ Amy Lee
- "Angel Eyes" by Jeff Healy
- "You And Me" by Lifehouse
...... But you all know me.... they won't leave my playlist....
............. And you wonder why I drink...
- Kenny G.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Day We Never Thought We'd Live To See....
Through all the struggles... the let downs... all the hardships, justice and goodness have prevailed, and a new future awaits us.
I know, for many of us, myself included, there came those times when we wondered if we'd ever see this day... let alone in our lifetime... Hope and Faith were challenged to the point of nearly being destroyed... But in the end, they survived.
We now sit on the verge of a new beginning, and the future looks bright......
............. THE TRUCK HAS REVERSE!!!!!
Oh... and Good Luck President Obama.... you're gonna need it.
- Kenny G.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Spike TV, Philosophy, and a little Twang
It's a show that handles many of Man's Toughest Questions, IE: How durable are breast implants, does any species of animal engage in prostitution other than Humans... so on any so forth...
(Durable enough to withstand a microwave, and a 350LB man belly flopping on them, but not a bullet.... and Yes, chimpanzees... if you were curious....)
As a long time student of Philosophy, I love that show. (I took a 1 semester directed study in High school, and had to write 4, yes... 4... 500+ word papers in one night.... got a A on all of them... Yes... I used to write good an' stuff.)
Anyways... One of the topics Manswers answered last night was "What kind of music is most likely to make you want to kill yourself?".... They offered solutions of "Heavy Metal"... "Rap"... "Bagpipes".... But it turns out it's none of them....
It's Country!
Now, as a long time fan of Country Music (Garth Brooks is playing as I type this...), I started to take offense... even when they showed stats that the major metro areas with the most Country stations do, indeed, have the highest suicide rates...
I've always believed that Stonesour's "Bother" was the most "self-lynching inducing" song in the world... but, it's just my opinion...
After the segment, they went to commercial... and I flipped channels... The next channel on my dial is GAC... the Country music video channel... And the video that was playing was about NASCAR. (And as I have previously stated, the Daytona 500 is the third holiest day in my religion...) So, I started watching it.
...... And the song seemed unfamiliar to me.
..................... As did the artist singing it.
................................... And when I saw who it was.... I cringed... and wept.
........................................................... Kevin Costner is now a Country singer..........
And suddenly.... I knew Manswers was right..... as I now felt.... while watching what was being passed off as Country music.... A strong urge to grab the bat by my chair.... and beat myself until the pain stopped.....
It's official.... Kevin Costner wants me dead.... How else can you explain anyone letting that talentless Hack put out an album... No, not just one song.... an entire God-Forsaken album.....
I feel so cold now.....
- Kenny G.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Did you miss me... It's Kenny G. ... No, The OTHER Kenny G. ....
For something I spent so many hours formatting, designing side-bar items for, coming up with original content, it's sad that this blog has recently become nothing more than an easily accessible music player for me...
Has it been because I've spent too much time begging for Kudos on Funny or Die? Has it been the painful trek I've been on since the truck went to hell? Have I just run out of new ways to bitch about the same problems that continue to plague my life??
Who knows, who cares...
Point is, this was/is my first blog, and it deserves the place of honor of being my first place to post, and I've not been living up to that duty.
This is usually the place where I make some pledge to change my ways, and post a bunch more content to this blog... but let's get real...
My life is not that entertaining... I'm not that talented... and I'm too damned lazy to cut and paste crap I find interesting here on any sort of regular basis...
If I had readers bugging me by way of email when I don't post often enough... I might have the needed fire lit under my arse... but hey... Nobody reads this stuff anyways... right? :-)
Anyways... while I do have the needed motivation to post, let me throw some stuff (read: crap) on here:
1. If Odin shines his blessed mercy upon my pathetic soul, I will be -Re-Trucked by tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest... And with a little extra Grace, I'll remain Trucked for a while... When I do get it back, I'll not only post... I'll likely make a celebratory video to illicit a happy chuckle from all my contemporaries...
2. I'm throwing myself into a competition on a wing and a prayer... at ...
Check it out for yourself... I just really have myself convinced that, with my painfully single lifestyle, penchant for writing, and prior experience with being in the Great Barrier Reef, I'm at least a decent candidate for the job... once I get my video application made and in, I'll post links here... hoping to get my friends and family to vote me popular enough to get into the "short list" of candidates...
3. We all have a duty to do... please... thing of those less able than us:

Friday, January 2, 2009
Free Beer: Good Thing ----- From A Guy: Not So Much...
It was a pretty good deal: $10 a ticket ahead of time, which got you in, as we had a live band all night, food at midnight (and not chips/dip and cheap crap... good stuff like homemade mac and cheese, meatballs, kielbasa and purple cabage (good stuuf!!), stuffed manicotti.....).... awesome drink specials all night ($1 shots... full size good shots, cheap "knock you on your arse" long islands...)... as well as party favors out the wazoo....
Mind you, the door, it was $15.... penalty for not buying earlier ;-)
Nobody really gave me any grief about the cover.... except for one drunken ass we were actually trying to get rid of.... but hey, you expect it when you play door-monkey....
It was kind of lonely though, as I was around the corner... near the door... and everyone else was out on the dance floor, and getting drunk as hell. Most of my interaction with friends that were in the bar was by text, or a quick chat as they passed by to find the restroom....
But none the less, It was an interesting night.... I got a tip, in the form of a free beer!
..... From a guy.....
I'm pretty sure he wasn't hitting on me.... as I've seen him at the bar with a girlfriend many a time..... I think it was more out of pitty... as I explained to him that I was doing this out of the kindness of my little beer-filled heart, and not for pay or free drinks....
Maybe I need to stop over analyzing this incident... :-)
Needless to say, I got to un-man my post a little after Midnight... after the ball dropped... which i got to watch leaning over the half wall that separates the door from the bar area....
I did get to wear a little goofy ass plastic hat, and make noise with a 39 cent horn... I'll try to post pictures if Steve remembered to take any of me....
A nice kiss at midnight would have been nicer.... but hey, I really shouldn't complain.... it was still better than the New Years I spent at home... alone.... with a 12 pack and a pint.... :-)
In summary.... I was walking pretty straight when we left that night.... Not what I would normally have done on the second holiest day in my religion.... (The first being St. Patrick's Day.... the third being the Daytona 500....).....
Ok... time for you to share what you did on your night of New Yearage!!! Comment away!!! :-)
- Kenny G.